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Go Green With Your Air Conditioning

We can all attest to the fact that global warming is a scary concept to think about. That’s why it’s important that we all do our part to help the environment and “Go Green.” Did you know that air conditioning accounts for almost 50 percent of the energy use in the United States during peak summer months? It’s also the cause of nearly 100 million tons of carbon dioxide emission each year. If you’re in as much shock as we were in when we heard these numbers, then close your jaw and read on! We’ve compiled a great list of tips you can follow to go green with your air conditioning.

You can reduce home energy usage by 20 to 50 percent by going green with your air conditioning. That saves money, your health, and the environment all at once! Wouldn’t you love a healthier home environment for you and your family? You could also sleep better knowing that you did your part to reduce fossil fuel consumption and the creation of greenhouse gases – two things that are extremely unhealthy for our planet.

1. Seal and Insulate Ductwork

If your ductwork isn’t properly sealed, it can significantly reduce the cooling efficiency of your air conditioning system. Think about it this way: You wouldn’t leave a window or door open if your AC was on, right? Sealing and insulating your ductwork is the same concept. If it’s not sealed, the cool air will escape and leave you either warm or with less money in your pocket!

2. Add Attic Insulation

If you live in a house, increasing your attic insulation is a great investment. It’ll prevent your cool air from escaping, thereby allowing you to avoid keeping your air conditioner on for prolonged periods of time.

3. Install Programmable Thermostat

Like we’ve said before, programmable thermostats help reduce energy costs because you can set them for whatever temperature you’d like for particular times in the day or night. So if you know you’re not going to be home until 5PM, you can set your AC to turn on at 4:30PM to save money and energy during the hours you’re not using it, and ensure that you’ll walk into a cool home.

4. Install Radiant Heat Barriers

Wondering what radiant heat barriers are? Don’t worry, most people don’t know because most people don’t have them installed! They’re basically a thin layer of metal insulation that reduces radiant heat transfer into your attic by as much as 95 percent

5. Install Ceiling Fans

Ceiling fans can create a great breeze and circulate the cool air being pumped out of your air conditioner or vent. This will allow you to set your thermostat a few degrees higher and save some cash.

Have any questions? Ask one of our Interstate Air experts today!